We solve it, you move forward

With our international network of professionals, we offer scientific and technical advice to
individuals, institutions and organizations around the world.


We provide advice in the following areas:

Development and application of scientific protocols in heath science (basic, applied
and translational)

 Development and supervision of research projects.

 Software development for genetic analysis.

 Grants writing and development. Writing, translation and revision of scientific papers.

 Implementation and development of technologies in different areas, such as genetics, reproduction and fertility, metabolism, cancer….

Some of our clients:

Development of genetic tests for different types of diseases and phenotypes in birds.

Software development for raw genetic data processing and assembly of automated reports.

Development and licensing of a patent for early detection, through genetic analysis, of anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in breast cancer patients.


Comprehensive scientific advisory service on extracellular vesicles (metabolism, obesity, diabetes)


Our latest published papers

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